Hope you enjoyed the previous episode of MW3 Maximized.
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This week's episode of MW3 Maximized is short and sweet.
While talking Multiplayer shop with Aaron Halon, Senior Development Director of Production here at Sledgehammer, we chatted on the subject of the Support Pointstreak, Escort Airdrop. I mentioned to him that it was a pretty valuable Pointstreak in the sense that not only does it drop multiple care packages pending on where you decide to place it, it also acts a line of defense, protecting those care packages from the opposing team for a certain amount of time. So imagine if you acquire the Escort airdrop and place it on a 'B' Domination Point. It could be pretty damaging for the other team right?
Well, I sometimes find that not all care packages are claimed once the Osprey leaves. The area that they now are occupying becomes sort of this battle zone full of grenades, concussions, and chaos. Aaron mentioned that if you equip the Trophy System, it may be good practical utilization of the device which deflects and disrupts any incoming explosives. I thought that was a great idea. Makes sense. I tested it and it was quite effective for these type of scenarios.
However, what about the enemies' incoming Predator Missile targeting that same area? Well, your Trophy System can take that down as well!